

You don't want to work there...

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Wednesday 3 December 2008

Yaohell ?

"Miller is a well-regarded executive who did a good job at AOL and is seen as an Internet visionary," Aggrawal said.

Jonathan Miller at Yahoo ?!?! OMFG, they'e doomed :-) Expect a message kind of "I'm a happy user of Yahoo since 1996" :-)

Thursday 30 October 2008

RIP pictures.aol.com

I guess the title says it all.

Saturday 1 March 2008

Game Over

RIP Netscape

Friday 26 October 2007

Massive layoff cantina at AOL France

Apparently, the drinks were a bit too alcoholic (password is "aollover") :-)

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Netscape 9.0rc1

Still alive, but I've seen more attracting changelogs...

Tuesday 4 September 2007

Kaspersky by AOL discontinued

AOL recently announced that they switched from Kaspersky to McAfee as their free anti-virus. This raised two problems :

  1. first, Kaspersky wants you to re-enter your activation code once a year !!! I hope you kept it !
  2. second, AOL discontinued auto-updates from their ftp site...

Warning : the contents following this warning section were removed from this post at 14:30+0200 on Kaspersky Labs' request. I replied the following :

1. if I were you, I would seriously reconsider this decision because
   people who got Kaspersky through AOL are _all_ going to uninstall
   your product. They got it for free anyway, and you were paid by AOL
   for that anyway. This set of "free customers" is excellent in terms
   of PR and buzz. Furthermore, people who got your product through AOL
   got no direct notification of any sort from AOL neither from
   Kaspersky. It means that they started discovering their antivirus
   does not work for a strange reason (cannot download a file error
   &x000008C or something) and they understand NOTHING about it. They're
   probably worried, and UPSET. That's bad for Kaspersky.
   What you probably want is to show how good at detecting viruses your
   technology is, not really how painful it is for YOUR customers
   because AOL dropped a contract with you...

At 16:24+0200, Kaspersky Labs mailed me back : "please put the page back again. AOL users should be able to update."... Mucho kudos to Kaspersky Labs !

At his point, you probably consider Kaspersky takes room for nothing on your hard-disk and are ready to uninstall it. DON'T DO IT !!! Just do the following to get your updates back :

  1. shutdown Kaspersky ActiveVirusShield. Closing the main window is not enough, please click on the systray icon and exit.
  2. locate the XML file listing the update servers. It's usually located in directory C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AOL\AVP6\Data and the name of the file is aol-updcfg.xml
  3. edit that file and remove the two following lines
    <site2 url="ftp://download.newaol.com/avs/update/mirror/" diff_url="diffs" weight="10000001" region="*" />
    <site2 url="http://download.newaol.com/avs/update/mirror/" diff_url="diffs" weight="10000000" region="*" />
  4. save the file
  5. restart ActiveVirusShield and launch an update from the systray icon's contextual menu.

Done... You should see your update go fine as usual. /* Enjoy */

Monday 23 April 2007

Der Likidator likidated

David Gang is back on the job market and six AOL or ex-AOL friends sent me an email during my week of vacation to let me know :-)

Wednesday 14 March 2007

Château les pompes

Enfin des nouvelles de Stéphane Treppoz, ça nous manquait vraiment de ne plus le croiser à la cantine d'AOL à Neuilly avec une caméra collée à ses basques. L'homme à la chemise blanche pour qui les collaborateurs ne sont jamais là pour rapporter des problèmes mais trouver les solutions vient de se recaser dans la chaussure sur le Web grâce à l'excellence de sa vision stratégique et son expérience financière. Comment ça je suis cynique ? Meuh non, meuh non... Il a juste planté AOL France en ne croyant pas du tout bien trop tard à l'ADSL, a refusé avec son équipe de croire au WiFi, a embauché à tours de bras comme au meilleurs moments de la web bubble 1.0, a eu les opens bars en boîte de la dite-web bubble. La totale quoi. La fin a été un peu moins glorieuse que le début...

Il y a peu, je parlais ici de la chaussette sur le Web dans un article Totalement Crétin. Est-ce qu'il se trouvera quelqu'un pour suggérer à Treppoz qu'une acquisition de chaussetteonline.fr serait peut-être une belle synergie ?

Au fait, vous je ne sais pas mais moi, je ne pourrais pas acheter des chaussures sur le web sans les avoir essayées avant en boutique... Je trouve donc que si le BUSINESS model lui semble bon, le modèle tout court a un léger plomb dans l'aile même s'il pourrait fonctionner et gagner de l'argent. A la différence des américains, peu de français ont cent miles de route à faire pour trouver un magasin de chaussures décent...

Tuesday 23 January 2007


revolutionhealth.com vs. webmd.com ! Steve Case vs. David Gang ! Wow !-)

Wednesday 17 January 2007

Some things never change... (was: RSS DTD)

You know, some things never change... First Cool URIs never change. Then incompetence at AOL never changes. Amazing, truely amazing.

Sunday 14 January 2007

Netscape hits slashdot again

Unfortunatey, nothing to be very proud of...

Friday 17 November 2006


" Miller (...) discovered he was being replaced after a reporter called AOL asking about Falco's appointment " -- News.com

Friday 3 November 2006

Par le petit bout, par le petit bout de la lorgnette...

En fait, j'en connais deux que cela doit énerver prodigieusement les "dizaines de millions de dollars" de Mozilla. Le premier, c'est David Gang also known as Der Likidator. Le second, c'est Jonathan Miller, qui doit se mordre les doigts d'avoir écouté David Gang. Et en fait, cela me réjouit assez d'imaginer que cela les énerve :-)

Saturday 14 October 2006

Boxely™ UI Toolkit

The Boxely™ UI Toolkit (AOL's xul with a fast graphics engine and enhanced primitives, Hewitt and Lucier worked on it) is now available for download... I want to dive into that beast, just for fun.

Sunday 1 October 2006

Eclat de rire

Faire le tri dans ses photos, en découvrir une qu'on n'a jamais vue, ne pas reconnaître instantanément où et quand elle a été prise, puis enfin se souvenir, et finalement exploser de rire.

Friday 15 September 2006

The cockroach did not survive the nuclear winter, after all

Ted Leonsis finally gives up...

Tuesday 5 September 2006

Free antivirus

A lot of us already use the excellent antivir, and now AOL offers Kaspersky6 for free. All you need is an email address to receive the activation code. Should you need a temporary address forwarding to your real address, go there. (Source: Nicolas Pioch)

Thursday 8 June 2006

AOL Boxely

You may have heard of Boxely from Joe Hewitt's blog. But that's already History. Corey Lucier, an AOL guy I briefly worked with in 2003 on a gecko-based project codenamed Anvil that was (of course) axed by David Gang (aka Der Likidator), has a very interesting tech blog about his projects and ideas, and a superb requirements list for Boxely.

Monday 6 March 2006

Agradecimentos para os peixes...

AOL Brazil shutting down 100%. Comment from a brazilian reader, sent by private email:

" The brazilian subsidiary of AOL is closing their services next march 17th. It definitely won't be missed at all over here. "

Business as usual at AOL...

AOL Modernity

I can already hear people saying "wow, nice move" when they will read

" What can I do with the AIM SDK? This code allows you to add AIM functionality into the programs that you create. Or, you can create your own AIM Custom Client. "

And I can also already hear them saying "pffff, assholes, so they understood nothing at all?" after one single click:

" Developers are not permitted to build Custom Clients that are multi-headed or interoperable with any other IM network. "

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