
Tuesday 29 June 2004

iPaq hell

I was working on minimo's stylesheet this afternoon, playing with my iPaq under familiar when it suddenly went off. Impossible to restart the iPaq, even the hard reset does not work. Eventually, I took the battery from the other one and tried again. Yep, the first Ipaq's battery suddenly died. Ready for the trash. Grumble.

Wednesday 28 April 2004

iPaq cool downloads

So I have now two iPaqs 5555 in front of me. One running Familiar and Minimo and one running Windows Mobile 2003 and Pocket Internet Explorer. Minimo is 100000 times superior to Pocket Internet Explorer. And Familiar Linux is often better than Windows; in particular, it can rotate the screen so I needed to find a utility doing the same on Windows.

  • Nyditot virtual display, a must-have, super-powerful... DotPocket is another tool for rotating the screen and changing the resolution, but I found it unstable and crashing.
  • Once you have installed the above, MultiIE is also very useful
  • Topkey, useful and really cheap