- MathBird add-on to Thunderbird: insert MathML expressions into your messages. Available from here.
- JSCSSP, the CSS parser in JavaScript that does not use RegExps...
- BlueGriffon, the Open-Source Wysiwyg cross-platform Web editor based on Gecko
- commercial add-ons to BlueGriffon
- BlueGriffon EPUB3 Validator, an add-on to Firefox
- BlueGriffon EPUB Edition, the only native EPUB2/EPUB3 Wysiwyg cross-platform editor on the market (as of march 2013)
- FreeRecord, an add-on to Firefox to program the video recorder in your Freebox and much more
- Folding Tags library for CodeMirror
- a Firefox add-on adding a floating Table of Contents to W3C specs
Retired software section...
- NVu, once the leading Open-Source Wysiwyg cross-platform Web editor based on Gecko
- CSSize, a batch tool to transform (think XSLT) HTML documents based on CSS-like syntax.
- Meuf, one of the very first (right after Nathanael Borenstein's ANDREW, AFAIK...) Mail User Agents to fully implement MIME, multiple charsets, inline audio and video, X-Faces and more.
- HTTPtool, a file transfer app (ftp-alike) over HTTP GET and PUT
- a unofficial patch for the CERN v3.0 httpd server adding User Defined Error Messages
Published on Thursday 28 March 2013 by glazou