Juste un petit truc pour dire que je suis fier de mes fils et que je les aime :-)
Monday 9 September 2019
By glazou on Monday 9 September 2019, 14:46
Monday 9 September 2019
By glazou on Monday 9 September 2019, 14:46
Juste un petit truc pour dire que je suis fier de mes fils et que je les aime :-)
Tuesday 25 March 2014
By glazou on Tuesday 25 March 2014, 23:21
Throwing up. The Web is so full of stinking shit this morning.
Monday 1 April 2013
By glazou on Monday 1 April 2013, 14:05
Comments temporarily closed on the whole glazblog because of an ongoing spam attack.
Sunday 13 May 2012
By glazou on Sunday 13 May 2012, 08:00
This blog is ten years old. I published its first article - a non-article really - the 13th of may 2002. What a ride...
Monday 5 March 2012
By glazou on Monday 5 March 2012, 09:35
Il y a en ce moment une vague d'attaques sur Dotclear, je viens d'en faire les frais :
et de l'appeler dans votre navigateur, il vous délivrera un rapport complet d'action, très rapidement, très efficacementBonne chance à tous.
Sunday 27 February 2011
By glazou on Sunday 27 February 2011, 17:02
Ce blog est en travaux, et je ne sais pas quand ça sera fini. Merci de votre patience.
Monday 7 February 2011
By glazou on Monday 7 February 2011, 08:59
De retour après une des semaines les plus épuisantes de ma vie. J'ai un backlog monstrueux dans ma messagerie, il va me falloir plusieurs jours pour revenir à une activité quotidienne normale... Voilà, vous êtes prévenus.
Tuesday 11 January 2011
By glazou on Tuesday 11 January 2011, 22:10
Question, received by email today: Daniel, why is your blog so silent these days?
Answer: Because I'm working so hard on BlueGriffon I just can't afford the time to write down all the things I wish I could post on my blog. It's just a question of time and things will resume here when I have a few spare cycles. Stay tuned...
Wednesday 30 June 2010
By glazou on Wednesday 30 June 2010, 09:14
Comments are closed for three weeks on the glazblog.
Saturday 7 March 2009
By glazou on Saturday 7 March 2009, 21:21
Il vaut mieux avoir "again a blog about having a cold" qu'avoir besoin de twitter toutes les célébrités du Web comme seul moyen de se faire connaître. (Merci à Max pour la notif)
Saturday 1 November 2008
By glazou on Saturday 1 November 2008, 08:55
Dotclear 2.1 vient de sortir !
Thursday 16 October 2008
By glazou on Thursday 16 October 2008, 19:25
I'll be away all of next week:
and will be on vacation most of the week after that for a well-deserved short break.
Wednesday 1 October 2008
By glazou on Wednesday 1 October 2008, 08:52
Starting from now, the Nvu category on this blog will remain silent, all new articles will be published on http://bluegriffon.org . The corresponding feed is http://www.bluegriffon.org/index.php?feed/rss2.
Tuesday 5 August 2008
By glazou on Tuesday 5 August 2008, 15:50
Mis à jour suite à une information fournie par Olivier Meunier
de son thème un fichier foo.xml
où foo sera le nom du flux. Le flux sera appelable par l'URL http://monsite.mondomaine/dotclear/?feed/foo
adapté à votre sauce locale<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<copyright>{{tpl:BlogCopyrightNotice encode_xml="1"}}</copyright>
<tpl:Entries category="mettre ici vos catégories séparées par des virgules sans espace">
<title>{{tpl:EntryTitle encode_xml="1"}}</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">{{tpl:EntryFeedID}}</guid>
<pubDate>{{tpl:EntryDate rfc822="1"}}</pubDate>
<dc:creator>{{tpl:EntryAuthorCommonName encode_xml="1"}}</dc:creator>
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class maClasse extends dcUrlHandlers
public static function maMethode($args)
Monday 4 August 2008
By glazou on Monday 4 August 2008, 10:00
Ce blog tourne désormais sous Dotclear 2.0. Félicitations à Olivier et toute l'équipe DC !
Monday 9 June 2008
By glazou on Monday 9 June 2008, 17:44
Je suis dinoblogueur -522 avant LLM :-)
Saturday 26 April 2008
By glazou on Saturday 26 April 2008, 11:31
I'm away for a week of vacation. I'll be online only sporadically between now and the 4th of may.
Friday 25 April 2008
By glazou on Friday 25 April 2008, 11:01
Even if the oldest article in this blog's archives is from the 13th of may 2002, I started the glazblog really the 25th of april 2002. The title of the very first article was "test blog", the content was "tagada..." and the blog had no personal style. I removed that test article when I added styles and posted this other test article.
So the Glazblog is 6 years old today. 4252 articles, 11296 comments. Wow.
Tuesday 18 September 2007
By Daniel Glazman on Tuesday 18 September 2007, 15:03
This blog just moved to Dotclear 2. I'll update the theme when I have spare time.
WARNING: Please update your RSS reader to use the new feed URL : http://www.glazman.org/weblog/dotclear/index.php?feed/rss2
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