- Saturday, December 13, 2003
- Personal message
As we say in french, the hardest years are the first thirty years :-) Mucho congrats to Eric and Kat Meyer. When is planned #EricMeyer > :first-child + * ?-))))
- Thursday, December 11, 2003
- Attention, jargon tueur de babelfish
Cinquante-cinq ans après son dernier "chic à la jône" et avoir fermé une dernière fois les zurlins de son casert, le cocon Giscard se prépare donc aujourd'hui à remettre un claque et s'accoller une tangente à un GU. Il y a peu d'espoir qu'il insuffle un peu d'air de la Khômiss chez les Immortels.Cela les tuerait, les pauvres... Mais vu l'ardoise qu'il avait au Pipô (et que j'ai vu de mes propres yeux), ça serait peut-être plus l'esprit du Bôbar ou de la CaveKès. Warf. Allez, juste parce que c'est un têtard intelligent qui n'a pas fait que des conneries dans sa vie, je vous livre la dernière citation de notre nouvel académicien "Passé un certain âge, l'Immortalité devient un peu une valeur refuge" :-) Au moins, il a de l'humour. Cela ne fait pas oublier les diamants, les 14% d'inflation, Boulin, 'au revoir' et le reste, mais c'est déjà ça.
Ah, au fait, quelqu'un devrait montrer aux autre Immortels la fameuse photo des culs de la promo, prise depuis la grille en face du point-K (le vrai, celui de la Montagne). La Marie racontait que Giscard était bien placé au premier rang des demi-lunes :-)
- Le pilon! Le pilon! Le pilon!
Il parait, en tous cas pour le Journal du Net qui doit l'avoir financé sinon c'est pas possible, que son bouquin "Linux ou Windows" est un best-seller... Lisez son interview récente, sur le JDN également. Si après cette lecture, vous avez encore envie d'acheter son bouquin, c'est que vous êtes mûr pour le mécénat d'art contemporain.
- Small Screen Rendering addon to Mozilla Firebird
Given the big success of my Small Screen Rendering addon to Mozilla and the number of email requests I got wrt Firebird, I am happy to provide you, through Disruptive Innovations like before, with a new free XPI for Firebird. Enjoy!.
- Chris Hofmann interviewed by NewsForge
Mozilla, the past, the present and the future. Hey Chris, thanks for quoting me but my posts about Composer and Nvu are all written in english so you don't have to babelfish it :-) Please also note that all entries in this blog are now, as requested by my friend Tantek Çelik, tagged with a lang="en", lang="fr", lang="sv" or lang="yi" attribute depending on the language the entry is using.
- Wednesday, December 10, 2003
- Can you trust WinIE ?
The answer is no, NOT AT ALL, and here is the story and the demo (use WinIE of course).
Using Microsoft Internet Explorer can damage your computer and make you lose all your data while you believe you have done nothing wrong
The above is copied from french pack of cigarettes, idea courtesy of Padawan.info. Throw away this shit, throw it away right now.
- Mes lectures du moment
- Mohamed Sifaoui, "Mes frères assassins"
- Clayton Christensen, "The Innovator's Solution"
- Henry Kissinger, "La nouvelle puissance américaine"
- F. Soult, "Edf - chronique d'un desastre inéluctable"
- Daniel Pennac, "Le dictateur et le hamac"
- Arthur Conan Doyle, "Ma vie aventureuse"
- Update #2
AOL Music is gone. All of it. Akkana with it. The I18N team is gone too. Kat Momoi, Simon Montagu. Arun and Marcio are gone too. The San Francisco and San Diego offices are closing. Including Infogate's offices, Inforgate that AOL acquired a few months ago. I guess the people there are happy to be part of AOL... And Beth is there.
- Nvu progress 20031210
The new color picker, final.
- Tuesday, December 09, 2003
- Update
Washington Post has an article about it.
ZDnet too.
<xxxxx#mozilla> the cuts are massive <xxxxx#mozilla> I'm about to head off for a final lunch <glazou> say hi to all from Paris
- /topic #composer
* smontagu (chatzilla@h-64-236-139-249.aoltw.net) Quit
- MozPHP
" MozPHP is a Mozilla PHP integration package. With MozPHP you can execute PHP scripts in Mozilla directly without the need for a local HTTP server. "
- Dude, where is my country...
France's old daemons...
year agreeing completely or partially with JM Le Pen's ideas disagree with JM Le Pen's ideas 1999 11% 86% 2000 17% 80% 2002 28% 71% 2003 22% 75% - 28% of the population could accept a local "governor" (président de région) from Le Pen's party
- 26% consider Le Pen is a danger for democracy, 4% have no opinion
- 42% think his ideas are unacceptable, 42% think they are excessive (!) and 13% find them accurate
- 59% think there are too many immigrants in France:
- 100% of Le Pen electors agree with that but also
- 67% of Chirac's party
- 55% of Communist Party
- 47% of Socialist Party
- 23% of Chirac's electors agree with Le Pen's ideas but that figure can climb up to 48% if the question is related to "traditional french values" or 34% to security...
- 22% of people between 18 and 24 years old agree with Le Pen but 27% think priority should be given to french citizens for jobs and 28% for social health.
- David Gang strikes again?
There are some very bad rumors of massive layoff - again - on the Mountain View AOL campus on wednesday. A very large part of the whole campus, if not all of it, could be impacted. It also seems that the Rancho Bernardo San Diego offices could be shut down. Given how AOL HR works, I guess we'll know at 11 - 11:30am PST, about 8 - 8:30pm here in France
Update: apparently, MV campus is divided in three groups... (a) laid off (b) asked to relocate to Dulles (c) stays in MV. Two meetings scheduled for 9 and 10am.
- Monday, December 08, 2003
- Raffarinades
Quel palmarès...
- référendum en Corse: échec
- référendum aux Antilles: échec
- prévision sanitaire: 15000 morts
- situation hospitalière: catastrophe
- augmentation du tabac: partiellement repousée
- réforme des universités: ajournée sine die
- interruption involontaire de grossesse (quelle honte!!): poubellisée
- légalisation de l'euthanasie: pas de décision
- radars automatiques: le seuil de déclenchement sera relevé à cause des protestations
- procès des fausses factures de l'hotel de ville de paris: non lieux, prescriptions, et hop
- procès des fausses factures du rpr: idem
- rapport tiberi: vice de forme
- frais de bouche de l'ancien maire de paris: abandon des poursuites
- procès Chirac: immunité du chef de l'état
- possibilité d'avoir une cohabitation: quinquennat (la plus grande arnaque politiques des 30 dernières années)
- rendement du Livret A: inférieur à l'inflation
- procès ELF: ni responsable ni coupable
- Executive Life: copinage sur le dos du contribuable
- environnement: chasseurs et nucléaire
- ....
J'suis fatigué ce soir.
- Nvu progress 20031208
- colorpicker 100% completed, including "transparent" keyword
- tab-editing works now fine but I still have to fix a few problems related to the Do/Undo/Redo stack and the Save:Publish buttons. I also want a contextual menu on tabs "close this tab / close other tabs" and so on.
- I have done half of the work needed so the FTP manager opens new documents in a tab instead of a window.
- the New document menu entry should change to allow the creation of a new doc (a) in a new window (b) in a new tab
- I will add a pref so the user can totally disable the default tab-editing behavior and revert to the current one-doc-per-window behavior.
When all the above is done, I'll work on the following subjects:
- framesets
- templates
- Sunday, December 07, 2003
- Soirée parisienne
Ce qui suit est rigoureusement authentique...
brouhaha... blabla... brouhaha...
brouhaha... gateaux... brouhaha...
brouhaha... sverige... pepparkakor... brouhaha...
brouhaha... Finlande... Fête nationale... brouhaha...
brouhaha... enfants... bébé... brouhaha...
brouhaha... glögg... frestelse... brouhaha...
brouhaha... et où travaille ton mari? brouhaha...
brouhaha... Netscape... licencié... sa propre boîte.... W3C... brouhaha...
brouhaha... ah ouais, et tu penses quoi du Web Sémantique?
...silence total dans la pièce....