- Saturday, August 16, 2003
- Ecole Active Bilingue JM, Promo 83
Si vous connaissez quelqu'un ayant fini sa scolarité secondaire en 1983 à l'Ecole Bilingue, merci de lui demander de se mettre en contact avec moi! On est en train de préparer un gros gloutch, après tout, ça fait 20 ans qu'on a passé le bac hein :-)
- Friday, August 15, 2003
- XMHell
Precisely 11 years ago, during a discussion with my manager at Grif SA (Jean Paoli, now working at MSFT, editor of XML 1.0 spec), we listed a few known big lacks of SGML, in particular in wysiwyg editing environments. When I say "known", it means that all the people working seriously on SGML knew about those problems. Eleven years. Today, sketching an implementation design based on XML Schemas, I have hit one of them. Strictly unresolved, it's almost a blocker for wysiwyg XML editing based on XML Schemas + CSS without prior knowledge of the schemas... You win a mention in this blog if you find the problem I hit. Make your guess at
daniel AT glazman DOT org
.Update (Aug 16, 11:16am GMT+1): 21 proposals (all proposals got an email back) but no solution yet :-)
- Mega-blaireau
He is becoming a true Internet superstar here in France. In french, we would call him a "mega-blaireau"; in swedish, probably "super-medelfransman"; in english, probably just "super-moron". If you can read french or are willing to use Babelfish, check his web site and don't miss (1) the "Motivations" section of his resume/CV (2) the Engineers button at the top...
If you're an engineer, support Arthur Dupré le Mega-Blaireau and add a few lines in your blog about him. He deserves a high rank in search engines.
Update the site is a fake...
- Wednesday, August 13, 2003
- PSA (Proud Stupid asshole) strikes again
Remember Andras Konya, the guy who assimilated Mozilla imagery to the Nazis? He strikes back in netscape.public.mozilla.general. Here's a verbatim, don't laugh too loud, your neighbour is sleeping :-)
" Yes Munich seems to be a different place than Berlin. They arent even spelled the same. "
BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Pathetic.
- La vérité sort de la bouche des enfants
- (Antoine, 5 years old, a friend of my son) Daniel, what's the big building on the left?
- (me) That's a library, the National Library
- (Antoine) That's ugly
- (Michel, 4 1/2 years old, my son) yes,, they should destroy it and make a nicer one
- (me) yes
- The kind of things I was afraid to see...
------- Additional Comments From kaie@XXXX.XX 2003-08-12 17:48 ------- It's not likely that I will work on editor/selection bugs in the near future. Mass assining my bugs to nobody.
- Monday, August 11, 2003
- Bug 215795
- Sunday, August 10, 2003
- BabelKarl
mais malheureusement pas avec les alphabets qui vont avec... Entre autre pour le Tigrinya et l'Arabe.
- Book od the week
Mes "frères" assassins. Comment j'ai infiltré une cellule d'Al-Qaïda, Mohamed Sifaoui, Editions du Cherche Midi, janvier 2003, ISBN 2-74910-086-0.
- Flash Moz
Thursday, a NYC flash mob gathered 300 persons in Times Square's Toys'R'us. They spent a few cycles shouting in front of a very big dino and left. Mozilla marketing?-)