- Saturday, March 01, 2003
- Jwz finds about the Proud Imbecile
Jamie, no, that proud imbecile is not joking...
- Yes
- Friday, February 28, 2003
- La FaRce Cachée du Monde
Après le bruit qui a été fait autour de ce soi-disant brûlot, après avoir lu ce que Le Monde lui même en a dit, après avoir lu enfin ce qu'en a dit le Canard Enchaîné, j'ai décidé qu'il était d'urgent d'acheter ce livre de Péan, qui en général n'écrit pas que des conneries, avant qu'il soit retiré de la vente par décision de justice en référé. J'en ai déjà lu une petite centaine de pages, ce qui représente à peine un sixième du total de l'ouvrage.
Tout d'abord, ce n'est pas un brûlot, ni le ramassis de haîne que Edwy Plenel veut faire croire dans son article. L'ouvrage est parfaitement poli et posé, documenté et circonstancié, interrogeant toujours les intervenants qui parfois refusent cependant de répondre. Ensuite, toutes les affirmations semblent soigneusement étayées, et les informations dévoilées sont effectivement très intéressantes. Il me semble qu'elles éclairent effectivement certains aspects de l'Histoire du Monde d'un jour tout à fait original.
Je continue la lecture des 500 et quelques pages qui restent.
- W3C Plenary Meeting
I can't believe it ! I finally got the approval for my trip and the travel agency did an extraordinary job finding direct Air France flight from Paris to Boston, a flight from there to Dulles to visit my HQ, and another direct Air France flight from Dulles to Paris, the whole thing for a reasonable price! 2 years since my last trip to USA. Hrm.
- Game (III)
Many readers of this blog dropped me a mail because of a recent entry. Some of them asking what happened, some others apologizing just in case, and even one asking when is my last day at Netscape. Just some big-image words about what happened : when someone pushes ideas that are not "in the strategic main line" at the time they are proposed, but happen to be perfectly aligned with the new strategy one year later, I find it unfair, shocking, counter-productive and a bit silly that this person is blamed after it is acknowledged that the ideas are now aligned with the strategy. This person should be thanked, and possibly deserves apologies of the kind "sorry, you were right, but that was not possible at that time or we did not trust you". That's all.
I'm too old for...hum.
- 05:50
It's 05:50am. It's 05:50am because my son Gabriel woke me up at 3:45am and I got a silly idea at 3:55am. So i went to the living-room and started coding. I've implemented it. It works. It just rocks, it's unbelievable how much it rocks. And it needed only ten lines of simple code!!! Read me well, people : XUL and JS are the best development platform ever in a browser environment.
- Thursday, February 27, 2003
- Settle down and listen up
Wow, this is a bit of an article...
- Wednesday, February 26, 2003
- Game (II)
Something happened. Something unexpected, something unfair and unpleasant. I think I start understanding the people from the "I don't play the game" category. I start understanding the people calling themselves only "Mozilla contributor" in public. I even wonder if I am not slowly moving directly from the "I still play the game" category directly to that one, skipping the third category.
- P and CSS
It still kills me to compare the P language, that Grif and Amaya implement, and CSS2.... I had today to do a very simple thing: position the right side of an absolutely positioned box relatively to the left side of the document. In P, that very easy, something like
Right: Enclosing.Left + 150px;
In a CSS-based model, that's not directly possible and I have to query first the width of the document, remove the 150px from that length and then only set the 'right' property. I don't even mention the fact that CSS cannot do a substraction...
Yes, I know, it's feasible. But I find it largely suboptimal compared to P.
Vincent, Irène, that style language of yours was/is so nice.
Welcome David!!!!
- Tuesday, February 25, 2003
- 35+1
I'm one year older today.
- Monday, February 24, 2003
Dérégulation du marché de l'énergie
Vous pensez que la dérégulation du marché de l'énergie est une bonne chose, que les pays nordiques ont ouvert la voie il y a longtemps, que les consommateurs ne peuvent que bénéficier de l'ouverture du marché et de la concurrence ? Certes vous avez été un peu refroidi par les rapports suivant l'ouverture du marché britannique et sur les effets qui ont suivi, mais vous y croyez encore ? Si vous lisez l'anglais, lisez donc cela, et considérez alors comme moi que certains services au public sont des Services Publics faisant partie des grandes fonctions régaliennes de l'Etat. Eau, routes, énergie, assainissement, ... N'en déplaise à l'Union Européenne. Il y a le modèle libéral qui visiblement ne marche pas dans le cas de l'énergie et de ses investissement majeurs sur des dizaines d'années, et le modèle français qui marche tant bien que mal. Entre rien et cahin-caha, je choisi facilement. Cahin-cahan, c'est déjà ça.
I have a problem with the hreflang attribute... What's the contents of hreflang supposed to be when the target URL has more than one main language ?
Welcome in blogspace
Pascal Chevrel's nice word of the day in his recently started blog:
"(Gecko at) 6%, it's not a statistic any more, it's a market"
Don't miss his Mozilla FAQ in French!!!
Checked in :-)
When Who Description 02/24/2003 01:37 glazman%netscape.com Allow mouse-driven resizing of images and tables in all instances of editor.
For the default Mozilla build, this includes Composer and Mail Composition.
Embeddors willing to disable this feature should look at |nsHTMLEditor::SetIsImageResizingEnabled()|
Displays eight resizing handles plus an info box. Images are resized real-time.
Uses HTML attributes in pure HTML mode (mail composition for instance) and CSS properties when available.
Undoable and Redoable. Does not grind coffe and make a good expresso yet.
Thanks if you really read to that line.
b=47066, r=brade, r=cmanske (for the algo part inheriting from the XBL patch), sr=kin - Sunday, February 23, 2003
Mike and Ben
Was quite fun to see yesterday night Michael Moore on french TV saying "I am a bit disappointed by my own country these days but thank God, France is here" and read last Ben's blog entries. Yeah, yeah, I know he is a kiwi : we'll beat the All Blacks just as we won over Scottish rugby team today :-)
By the way, don't tell him Nissan belongs to french Renault.